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2 Resultados de traducción para disgrace en español

noun | verb

disgrace noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
desgracia, deshonra; vergüenza

Ejemplos de uso de
disgrace noun

  • The secret was protected out of a fear of political disgrace.
  • Many feel that the mayor has brought disgrace upon the town.
  • She was forced to leave in disgrace.
  • His table manners are a disgrace.
  • The health-care system is a national disgrace.

Sinónimos de
disgrace noun

Sinónimos detallados para disgrace noun

Disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, shame, infamy, ignominy, discredit significan la pérdida de estima y de la buena reputación y el soportar reproches y desprecio.
  • Disgrace indica a menudo la pérdida de aceptación o la humillación total, y a veces el ostracismo <the prime minister had recently resigned in disgrace>.
    antonyms: respect, esteem
  • Dishonor pone énfasis en la pérdida del honor o de la autoestima <prefer to die rather than to live with dishonor>.
    antonyms: honor
  • Disrepute recalca el perder la buena fama o el adquirir una mala reputación <the proud family name had now fallen into disrepute>.
    antonyms: repute
  • Shame indica una desgracia o deshonra particularmente humillante y suele recalcar una fuerte reacción emotiva por parte de la persona afectada <the shame of losing>.
    antonyms: glory, pride
  • Infamy indica notoriedad, así como una deshonra extrema <the infamy of the brutal Serbian leader>.
  • Ignominy recalca el carácter casi intolerablemente despreciable o vil de la desgracia <Columbus had suffered the ignominy of being brought back to Spain as a prisoner>.
  • Discredit, un término relativamente benigno, sugiere un pérdida de reputación o respeto <the chairman's hiring practices brought discredit on the agency>.

disgrace verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
disgraced, has disgraced, is disgracing, disgraces

Ejemplos de uso de
disgrace verb

  • Many feel that the mayor has disgraced the town government by accepting personal favors from local businesspeople.
  • He felt he had disgraced himself by failing at school.
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Traducción inversa para disgrace

desgracia  - misfortune, disgrace 
deshonra  - dishonor, disgrace 
vergüenza  - disgrace, shame, embarrassment, bashfulness, shyness 
deshonrar  - to dishonor, to disgrace